
suqing group


Corporation Spirit

suqing group

Everything starts from scratch, everything for tomorrow
——Carry forward the spirit of daring to do and break through, continue to forge ahead for the new track of innovation and development tomorrow!

Suqing Group

▶   Add : No.89 Changqing Road, Hetang, Changjing Town, Jiangyin, Jiangsu

▶   Postal code: 214419

▶   Sales Department: +86-510-86337020, 86339050, 86331801

▶   Fax: +86-510-86331113, 86332672

▶   Technology Research Institute: +86-510-86339015

▶   Engineering Technology Department: +86-510-86339188

▶   International Trade: +86-510-86339038, 86336700, 86336655

▶   Complaints: suqingzyg@163.com, +86-510-86339015

▶   E-mail: dominic@suqing.com, sqsales@suqing.com

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