
suqing group



suqing group

The use of ion exchange resins

The purpose of improving the physical and chemical performance indicators of resin is to ensure its normal operation in practical applications, exert high exchange capacity, and produce excellent water quality. Practice has shown that no matter how good a resin is, it must have a scientific and perfect design concept to ensure it, as well as reasonable and correct usage methods to execute it, in order to ensure the normal operation of the resin process and maximize its benefits. Based on decades of operating experience, Su Qing Company analyzes and summarizes the problems and precautions that arise in various industries of resin, providing them to customers as a reference for practical operation.

Suqing Group

▶   Add : No.89 Changqing Road, Hetang, Changjing Town, Jiangyin, Jiangsu

▶   Postal code: 214419

▶   Sales Department: +86-510-86337020, 86339050, 86331801

▶   Fax: +86-510-86331113, 86332672

▶   Technology Research Institute: +86-510-86339015

▶   Engineering Technology Department: +86-510-86339188

▶   International Trade: +86-510-86339038, 86336700, 86336655

▶   Complaints: suqingzyg@163.com, +86-510-86339015

▶   E-mail: dominic@suqing.com, sqsales@suqing.com

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